Author: Steve Marquez

  • Day At The Beach

    Day At The Beach

    While surfers battle the choppy and short-lived waves on a cool, but sunny day with clear skies, volleyball players upend the rules using anything but their hands to score points on the sand.

  • NSSA Regional Championship Day 4

    NSSA Regional Championship Day 4

    Day 4 of the National Scholastic Surfing Association’s Championship on the south side of Huntington Beach Pier in Huntington Beach, California. Copyright ©2022 All rights reserved. If photos are used, please include photo credit.

  • Musings From The Wedge

    Musings From The Wedge

    Photos from the Wedge

  • Nature


    Birds, squirrels, coyotes, and more will all will be found here. One catch, they all have to be in nature.

  • Protected: Lucas, Daniel Surfing Huntington

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  • NSSA Regional Championships And More

    NSSA Regional Championships And More

    Photos from May 17, 2022. For more information and a BLOG post, click here. The National Scholastic Surfing Association (Practice) Surfing at Huntington Beach (South side of the pier)

  • NSSA Regional Championship Practice And More

    NSSA Regional Championship Practice And More

    On Tuesday I had planned to visit the northern beaches to see the waves and hopefully photograph some of the surfers there. But when I looked at Surfline, the waves were somewhere around 1-3 feet, which is pretty flat. But then I saw that The Wedge was consistently 8-10 feet! I had to see what…

  • Cal State Fullerton Hosts The Black Daggers

    Cal State Fullerton Hosts The Black Daggers

    The United States Army’s demonstration team, “The Black Daggers,” parachuted into a grassy field on the California State University Fullerton campus during an event hosted by the University’s ROTC. According to their web site, “The Black Daggers are the official U.S. Army Special Operations Command Parachute Demonstration Team. Their mission is to perform live aerial demonstrations…

  • Holloway Wedding

    Holloway Wedding

    Holloway wedding on January 8, 2022 at the home of Mary Rodriguez, the mother of the bride, in La Habra, California. Wedding Ceremony After Ceremony Photos

  • U.S. Open of Surf

    U.S. Open of Surf

    I was so stoked to get some captures of day 5 of the U.S. Open of Surf at Huntington Beach, California. I wanted to be there more often, but my schedule wouldn’t allow for it. Here are the guys. Click here for the ladies.